6 Ways to Reconnect With Your Magnetic, Sensual Self

Energy centers in your physical, spiritual, and emotional body are responsible for your magnetism and the sensual experiences you attract. Primarily the root and the sacral chakra are responsible for pleasure, sensuality, feminine energy, needs, and the security and grounding required to share and invite those needs to be met.

Oftentimes, there is a disconnect from these sacred energy sources that can make it hard to experience the pleasure we deserve. These 6 practices will help you realign and welcome opportunities to fill a deep need to share, express, and experience physical and spiritual satisfaction.

1. Clear Your Energy Field

In the presence of your at-home altar, you want to create a safe space. Start with sage. Sage will draw impurities from your aura and environment. Stagnant, negative, and unwelcoming energy can pass so that you can now evoke your intentions and fill the space with your power.

An altar is a sacred space or place that is used for ritual. Altars have been used for millennia in religious ceremonies and holy architecture. Think of it as your spiritual center where you can focus on being your highest self. What you choose to add to your altar is of complete personal choice, but is usually items and sentiments that invite positive energy into your life including crystals, sage, candles, relics, pictures, and anything else that speaks to you.



2Womb Meditation & Divine Feminine Activation

Guided Womb Meditation with Sacred Goddess Rising will allow you to sink deep into the depth of your feminine energy. Drawing forth from the powerful part of the female body, the womb is a sacred space. This meditation is a journey with the breath to find stillness in the body and connect with healing, restorative energy. It helps process trauma surrounding sensual expression, identity, pleasure, and security.

Meditation can also activate The Divine Feminine, also known as Gaia, Shakti, kali, and Yin energy within us all is receptive energy. But it also contributes to many emotional experiences that make us human. It is the deepest part of our consciousness that perceives life through feeling.

When your divine feminine is active and empowered, life is full. You are inspired, find purpose easily, feel guided, hopeful, and it is easy for you to connect with those around you. Unfortunately, trauma and painful physical and emotional experiences can cause us to become disconnected from the divine feminine. The Yin starts to feel like unsafe energy until it becomes almost foreign to us.

3. Spiral Shakti Energy

Spiraling Shakti Energy is a physical and meditative practice done by sitting and gently rotating the torso. 

  • In a comfortable sitting position, take a deep breath through the nose and release and exhale through the mouth with a loud “ah” sound. Grant yourself to make noise and take up space.
  • Place palms down on your knees and lengthen through the spine.
  • Begin by bending forward and winding your body from the waist in a slow, clockwise motion. Notice the tailbone remains rooted into your mat or pillow.
  • Gently deepen the motion by speeding up slowly or widening the circles.

This embodiment practice attracts Qi, life-force, to the womb, sacral, and root chakra. Picture pain, suffering, and fear leaving these energy fields and envision love, pleasure, passion, and purpose replacing them.

4. Dance/Intentional Movement

Similar to spiraling shakti energy, dancing can move stuck Qi through the body where emotions get trapped. Dancing to update music is an especially high-vibrational activity that sends “feel good” hormones like endorphins through you.

Get in tune with how your body moves. Feel the fun, sensual nature of every twist, turn, hop swing, jump, however it is you choose to move your body–sink deeper into it. There are a few pleasurable experiences that reflect dancing–it can be fun and restorative to reflect that movement.

5. Energy-Balancing Crystals

Crystals are an especially unique and powerful way to reconnect to your magnetic, sensual self. Some remove blocks, while others illuminate the sexy, desirable traits we possess but tend to hide.

6. Harness & Settle Energy

The final part of your practice, and perhaps most important, is a restorative physical gesture that allows the energy to settle into your body so it can be transmuted through the rest of your day. Start by laying, leaning, or sitting in a supported position. With the spine elongated, take deep breaths into the belly and feel your heart rate start to settle and fall into a gentle but deep state of relaxation. Follow the breath through the nose into the lung and out on the exhale.

As you wrap up your practice, congratulate yourself on making an intentional effort to heal, restore, and reconnect with your sensuality and divine feminine energy. 

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Energy centers in your physical, spiritual, and emotional body are responsible for your magnetism and the sensual experiences you attract. Primarily the root and the sacral chakra are responsible for pleasure, sensuality, feminine energy, needs, and the security and grounding required to share and invite those needs to be met.

Oftentimes, there is a disconnect from these sacred energy sources that can make it hard to experience the pleasure we deserve. These 6 practices will help you realign and welcome opportunities to fill a deep need to share, express, and experience physical and spiritual satisfaction.

1. Clear Your Energy Field

In the presence of your at-home altar, you want to create a safe space. Start with sage. Sage will draw impurities from your aura and environment. Stagnant, negative, and unwelcoming energy can pass so that you can now evoke your intentions and fill the space with your power.

An altar is a sacred space or place that is used for ritual. Altars have been used for millennia in religious ceremonies and holy architecture. Think of it as your spiritual center where you can focus on being your highest self. What you choose to add to your altar is of complete personal choice, but is usually items and sentiments that invite positive energy into your life including crystals, sage, candles, relics, pictures, and anything else that speaks to you.



2Womb Meditation & Divine Feminine Activation

Guided Womb Meditation with Sacred Goddess Rising will allow you to sink deep into the depth of your feminine energy. Drawing forth from the powerful part of the female body, the womb is a sacred space. This meditation is a journey with the breath to find stillness in the body and connect with healing, restorative energy. It helps process trauma surrounding sensual expression, identity, pleasure, and security.

Meditation can also activate The Divine Feminine, also known as Gaia, Shakti, kali, and Yin energy within us all is receptive energy. But it also contributes to many emotional experiences that make us human. It is the deepest part of our consciousness that perceives life through feeling.

When your divine feminine is active and empowered, life is full. You are inspired, find purpose easily, feel guided, hopeful, and it is easy for you to connect with those around you. Unfortunately, trauma and painful physical and emotional experiences can cause us to become disconnected from the divine feminine. The Yin starts to feel like unsafe energy until it becomes almost foreign to us.

3. Spiral Shakti Energy

Spiraling Shakti Energy is a physical and meditative practice done by sitting and gently rotating the torso. 

  • In a comfortable sitting position, take a deep breath through the nose and release and exhale through the mouth with a loud “ah” sound. Grant yourself to make noise and take up space.
  • Place palms down on your knees and lengthen through the spine.
  • Begin by bending forward and winding your body from the waist in a slow, clockwise motion. Notice the tailbone remains rooted into your mat or pillow.
  • Gently deepen the motion by speeding up slowly or widening the circles.

This embodiment practice attracts Qi, life-force, to the womb, sacral, and root chakra. Picture pain, suffering, and fear leaving these energy fields and envision love, pleasure, passion, and purpose replacing them.

4. Dance/Intentional Movement

Similar to spiraling shakti energy, dancing can move stuck Qi through the body where emotions get trapped. Dancing to update music is an especially high-vibrational activity that sends “feel good” hormones like endorphins through you.

Get in tune with how your body moves. Feel the fun, sensual nature of every twist, turn, hop swing, jump, however it is you choose to move your body–sink deeper into it. There are a few pleasurable experiences that reflect dancing–it can be fun and restorative to reflect that movement.

5. Energy-Balancing Crystals

Crystals are an especially unique and powerful way to reconnect to your magnetic, sensual self. Some remove blocks, while others illuminate the sexy, desirable traits we possess but tend to hide.

6. Harness & Settle Energy

The final part of your practice, and perhaps most important, is a restorative physical gesture that allows the energy to settle into your body so it can be transmuted through the rest of your day. Start by laying, leaning, or sitting in a supported position. With the spine elongated, take deep breaths into the belly and feel your heart rate start to settle and fall into a gentle but deep state of relaxation. Follow the breath through the nose into the lung and out on the exhale.

As you wrap up your practice, congratulate yourself on making an intentional effort to heal, restore, and reconnect with your sensuality and divine feminine energy.