Quantum Quattro Meaning & Healing Benefits
The Stone of Transfomation
What is Quantum Quattro?
Quantum Quattro is is unclassified by the International Mineralogical Union and is a trade name given to describe a specific combination of mineral of
This name is not a formal mineralogical or geological term but rather a commercial name intended to make the stone more marketable and recognizable in the gemstone industry.
The name "Quantum Quattro" refers to the four primary minerals that are typically included in this stone: shattuckite, chrysocolla, dioptase, and malachite, which are all bound together by smoky quartz and are most commonly found in the oxidation zone of copper deposits.
For collectors who appreciate the metaphysical properties, Quantum Quattro Crystal is considered a powerful and versatile healing stone that can help support overall health and well-being on multiple levels.
This is a wonderful stone associated with the empowerment of feminine energies, especially if you associate yourself with Goddess energy. This is a stone that will be a powerful healer of the heart and activator for the higher heart chakra.
Where is "Quantum Quattro" From?
Quantum Quattro is a gemstone that is not well-known outside of gemology and mineral collector circles. It is a composite mineral
its composition and appearance, geological conditions in each location.
Quantum Quattro From Namimbia
Namibia is the most famous and original source of Quantum Quattro. Here, the stone typically shows a vibrant mix of colors, with each of the constituent minerals clearly distinguishable. The clarity and brightness of the blue from shattuckite and the green from malachite and dioptase tend to be quite pronounced. Namibian Quantum Quattro is renowned for its quality and the distinctness of its composite minerals.
Quantum Quattro from Peru
Recently, in 2018, copper mines in parts of Peru have been discovered that produce a variation of Quantum Quattro. Peruvian Quantum Quatro is a very similar combination of quartz, malachite, and chrysocolla, that was found in Peru. It was originally sold as chrysocuarzo (Chrysocolla in quartz) but then Peruvian dealers switched to rebrand it as Quantum Cuatro when the nearly identical look and very similar composition became obvious. At Amethyst Goddess, we strive to let people know when ourr products are made from Peruvian quantum Quattro.
Peruvian Quantum Quattro is sourced from the Tentadora mine in Peru. It is a huge single body of quartz. Malachite and chrysocolla have infiltrated the finest hair cracks and spaces within this mass of quartz and have filled cracks and holes in the quartz mass with a thin overlay of their botryoidal microcrystals. The quartz mass also exposes regularly big pockets of quartz crystals that are overlayed with dark copper oxide, as well as malachite and chrysocolla crystals
The image on the left shows a Quantum Quattro from Peru and the image on the right depicts Quantum Quattro silica from Namimbia.

Quantum Quattro Metaphysical Crystal Properties
- Prevents healing crisis to occur when negative energies drop away
- Strengthens immune system and DNA
- Protector during channeling
- Restores equilibrium to an area of imbalance
- Helps with the effects of grief - past or present life
- Breaks unwanted ties and outworn patterns
- Supports a positive attitude to life and ability to tune into one's resources
- A powerful healer and activator of the heart
- Breaks the cycle of karmic co-dependency that occurs in addictions or relationships
Quantum Quattro Properties
- Source: Namimbia and as of 2019 a new mix of Quantum Quattro is found in Peru.
- Color: Mottled Opaque Blue Appearance
- Hardness: Because Quantum Quattro is a composite of different minerals, it does not have a single hardness value on the Mohs scale.
- Spirituality: Communication, Inner Child Healing, Healing Pain in relationship & abadonment. Can help aid emotional black hole desperate for love.
- Birthstone: None
- Rarity: Easily available as tumbled stones, but high quality quantum quattro is very rare
- Nicknames: Synergy Stone, Quantum Stone, Master Healer
- Chakras: Heart Chakra
- Mineralogy: Shuttakite, Dioptase, Malachite, Smokey Quartz, Chrysocolla

How To Use Quantum Quattro
Citrine can be used in a variety of ways, depending on your intention and the desired outcome. There is no wrong or right way, but here are a few ways to get inspired:
In The Home
Place quantum quattro in a grid around a bed or healing place.

During Healing
Known as a master healer stone,m that can gently bring the body back into balance and act as a general tonic. Best to use a tumble stone or small point on desire location and set intention for healing. Beneficial for lungs, pancreases, fatigue, shock.

As A Heart Healer
Emotionally, it's a powerful healer for the heart and can act as a bridge for the higher heart chakra. Use it when facing difficulty in relationships for it will mirror the problem that is separating you from yourself. It helps repair that link and draws in love all loves. A beneficial stone for relationshipslove that have become rocky,
How To Buy High Quality Quantum Quattro
Color: Look for Quantum Quattro with very vibrant and well-defined colors. A high-quality Quantum Quattro will have a vivid mix of green, and blue from the chrysocolla, malachite, shattuckite, and dioptase.
A lower grade of Quantum Quattro will have a more milky white color and or copper-based inclusions of cuprite in the veins that show more brown than blues.
Low-grade Quantum Quattro will mainly display and milky quartz with a touch of green and turquoise color from small quantities of chrysocolla and malachite comes with cracks that show botryoidal microcrystals.
Clarity: High-quality Quantum Quattro may have transulent quartz in the matrix allowing you to see right through it. A milky or brown quartz that is hard to see through may signal a lower grade. Additionally, having an large surface area of deep blue and green druzy in the matrix, from chrysocolla, shattuckite or malachite may increase the value of the ston.
Cut: Quantum Quattro is a very diffuclt material to cut because it has a relatively high rate of breakage and requires some stabilization. The labor costs are considered when pricing a carved Quantum Quattro. A well-cut Quantum Quattro stone will have a symmetrical and balanced shape with well-defined facets. The cut should enhance the stone's natural beauty and color. The stone gives a variety of colors that can't be repeated in whatever shape it's formed which makes it very unique.
Size: The size of the Quantum Quattro stone can also affect its quality and value. Large, high-quality stones are rarer and more valuable than smaller stones and can run up well over $1,000 over range
Source: Quantum Quattro is primarily found in Namibia, Africa, and stones from this region are generally considered to be of higher quality.
In addition, it is important to buy Quantum Quattro from a reputable and trustworthy dealer. Ask for certifications and documentation that prove the authenticity of the stone, and do your research on the seller before making a purchase.