XL Quantum Quattro Skull 3.7 lbs
Divine in their won right, crystal skulls are incredibly protective, especially concerning the spiritual battle we fight. Psychic protection can manifest in our lives in many ways that include:
- Preventing negative emotions from others to penetrate your energy field (think evil eye energy)
- Block any ill-will sent your way
- Alleviates dark emotions that spur depression and anxiety
- Protect your aura
The healing power of a crystal skull makes it a great piece for a new home, where stagnant or leftover energy may linger. It’s also great to keep on your desk at work. With many energies surrounding you, a crystal skull can keep you safe from unwanted energetic exchanges.
This Quantum Quattro Skull is a unique piece of healing magic. Quantum Quattro is a combination of four healing stones: chrysocolla, shattuckite, smoky quartz, and malachite. It’s only found in Namibia and is known to be a cell-level healer – meaning it goes right to the root of health challenges to remedy the dis-ease or illness at its source. Quantum quattro brings deep detoxification and rejuvenation and helps remove all impediments to your well-being. It’s a master healer and an essential stone for any Reiki practitioner or energy worker. Crystal skulls help us reconnect with the past to create a better future. You will receive the exact skull listed.
Weight: 3.7 lbs
Length: 5.4 inches
Height: 4 inches
Extremely rare - ethically sourced and hand carved.