Gem Therapy E-Book

$13.60 $17.00
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Some of the most amazing tools for healing, are the treasures the earth provides us! Crystals and Gemstones are one of the most beautiful, mystical and profound “energy medicine” tools, which have been used for centuries throughout all cultures, religions and empires. Crystals bring amazing benefits to the healing arena! Many aspects of a gemstone come into play when we use them for bringing about change! Their mineral properties, color, shape, location from which they come, as well as, their Piezoelectric Effect. This 25 page course is a complete way to work with crystals and it covers all the aspects of how to heal with crystals including:

Working with Gemstones
Crystal Work: Choosing, Using & Bonding With Your Gems
Cleansing Your Specific Stone
Crystal Attuning, Programming and Placement
Colors and Crystal Healing
Crystals and Our Energy Centers
Creating a Crystal Net or Grid
The Metaphysical Properties of the Top 41 Crystals

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