Crystal Blog

  • 5 Ways To Reduce Stress & Anxiety Naturally

    5 Ways To Reduce Stress & Anxiety Naturally - Amethyst Goddess

    Stress and anxiety are two words that we hear so much in today’s world. We have so much stimulation out of control, we get attracted to many low-level frequencies, without even knowing it. If we can’t control what’s happening to us in externally, we can always guarantee to control what’s going on in external. If we don’t find practices to reduce our stress and anxiety then our bodies pay the price, and it will manifest in all sorts of ways from sleeplessness and irritability to digestive distress and reproductive issues.

    Just because anxiety and stress are the most common mental disorders in America, does not mean it has to be normalized. We should not rely on an over-the-counter medication to reduce the symptoms but focus on alternative, natural methods we can mindfully practice and do whenever we feel triggered. Remember it is our divine right to make our choices from love and peace, rather than fear. 

    I know that when I started combating my stress I have been able to think more deeply about what I really want in my life and get momentum on things. If you are ready to move away from the dark places stress and anxiety bring you and become more conscious of the things that trigger you then consider the following techniques.

    1. Walk Barefoot! 

    We all know connecting with mother nature is a great way to boost serotonin, but if you want to experience a deep connection and bliss, let the dirt touch your toes by grounding. 

    Grounding is the process of direct barefoot contact with Earth, which gives off natural energy and negatively charged electrons to balance the free radicals the body produces. 

    grounding feet

    As unconventional it may sound, try putting your bare feet into some dirt or any natural earth surface and experience this for yourself. Feel a sense of warmth rise up from your feet into your body. Close your eyes and let out a deep sign to experience the deep pleasure and charge mother earth is giving out to you. The best part, you can ground anywhere!  You can ground in your backyard, in a park, at the beach and for optimal results stay for 30 minutes! By grounding ourselves, we can find inner balance, peace, and even proven health benefits! 

    2. Aromatherapy with Essential Oils

    Essential oils are one of the most powerful tools when it comes to stress relief. When we inhale the aroma of essential oil, its molecules travel through the olfactory system into our brain affecting our senses and functions. One strong whiff of concentrated essential oil can instantaneously trigger our bodies into a serene state of producing feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Make sure 

    You can fill any room in your home with the scent of oil using a diffuser. Certain offices and health care facilities have even found that diffusing essential oils helps alleviate anxiety in the workplace.

    aromatherapy essential oils

    And if you experience stress and anxiety behind the wheel, you can add a drop of calming lavender, ylang-ylang, or bergamot to a clothespin and place it on your air vents or on your wrists to ease your nerves during a tense commute. 

    aromatherapy destress

    The healing power of plants is truly remarkable and if you can even spray some refreshing rose water and take a deep breath in, you will feel a relief coming in through your senses!

    Positive Affirmations That Work For You! 

    Positive affirmations are a great way to shift your internal talk. If you feed your mind with healthy foods, why not do the same with your mind? Create your own mantras/affirmations to start ingraining in your mind that you are powerful, love, beautiful, loved, in peace, and happy. Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are seeds, you can grow flowers or you can grow weeds. 

    To get started writing down your affirmations with whatever you want to manifest in your journal or wherever you will see them every day. The best way to use them is to see them and repeat them to yourself right before bed and right when you wake up. It’s been proven that whatever your mind consumes at the time it’s at its most hypnotic state. To create affirmations for anxiety feel more powerful in times you are stressed, make sure they are rooted in reality. For example 

    You may find it helpful to learn positive affirmations ahead of time so you're prepared when triggering situations occur.

    I'm going to focus on things I love to get me through this. 

    When faced with a situation that generates fear, such as traveling or meeting new people, try repeating positive affirmations that acknowledge your negative thoughts or emotions and let them go:

    • Anxiety isn't dangerous. I'm just uncomfortable. I'll make it through this.
    • I am now in control,
    • I am OK, I am ENOUGH
    • I control my breathing, breathing in, and out
    • If I take deep breaths, that will help soothe me
    • When this is over, I'll be so proud of myself
    • Anxiety isn't dangerous. I'm just uncomfortable. I'll make it through this
    • I breathe deep and all is well I feel myself relaxing as I deep breathe
    • I am in control
    • Breathing comes to me easily and effortlessly
    • I am free from the need of panic
    • With each breath, I regain more calmness
    • I am safe
    • I am now releasing my panic attack
    • I am naturally calm now,
    • I am relaxing more and more

    Sound Healing

    Sound healing uses healing sound frequency to bring our bodies and nervous system back into balance. The best way to induce healing sounds is with Tibetan singing bowls. Sound from Tibetan Singing Bowls entrains the brain to move into the Theta brain wave frequencies that induce deep meditative and peaceful states, clarity of mind, and intuition.  The sound vibrations impact our nervous system, engaging our relaxation reflex and inhibiting the stress or pain response.

    Through listening to Tibetan Singing Bowls one’s internal dialogue, the ’inner critic’ is quietened. Their sound synchronizes brain waves and enhances awareness of the mind/body connection.

    Tibetan singing bowls

    If you don’t have a singing bowl then any need to worry, because there are endless amounts of healing sound frequency videos on youtube. Aim for 528 hz, 440 Hz or search to balance your chakras

    So, let’s say you have a headache. A sound can be played that will override the pain brainwaves.

    Or, let’s say you’re in a bad mood after a poor night’s sleep. Playing a relaxing song might lift your spirits and help you forget you’re aggravated.

    Create a happy and living space

    I love creating a cozy space that makes me feel safe and peaceful. A great way to do this is to have a Himalayan salt lamp near yours. It helps release negative ions and its just very peaceful to doze into. I also like to burn sage, candles, or palo santo to let any negative energy lingering in the home. If your space can be your sanctuary/womb, then you will always be surrounded by peace. Read more about creating a sacred space here.

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  • How To Tap Into The Heartbeat of Life

    How To Tap Into The Heartbeat of Life - Amethyst Goddess

    Do you feel like you may be out of rhythm? I don't mean while dancing or even singing, but out of rhythm with life, in general.
    I've felt like this often in my life but didn't have the words to explain the lack of rhythm that I felt. 

    Our bodies operate to the rhythm of our heartbeat. When we have the cohesion of the brain and heart, things just seem to go our way.

    • Doors open easier
    • Opportunities come knocking.
    • People are kind and loving.
    • We feel good about ourselves, our relationships, our careers, our choices...
    • But too many of us DON'T have that brain-heart cohesion.
    • We're out of sorts, out of whack with the heartbeat of life.
    • To get back on track, we have to return to our individual rhythm.
    • This can be done in so many ways - and the best part of it all, is that's honestly kind of fun.

      Here are my favorite ways to get back into the rhythm (I just did one of them this morning, which is what inspired this post)

    1. Follow your internal circadian rhythm

    We have an internal clock within us that relies on the seasons and light and darkness. Our ancestors would wake up with the sun and go to sleep with the sun....but with the addition of bright lights in our homes and offices and spending too much time indoors, we have lost our connection to that internal clock.

    2. Dance

    I know I said this has nothing to do with dancing, but omg, YES IT DOES. If you are trying to add movement into your day, or are already really active, I urge you to wake up a little earlier in the morning and get some dancing in.

    I like to put on Ayla Nereo or Ayla Schafer super loudly (or in my headphones) and just move my body.

    3. Breathwork.

    This morning, I got up and put on "shamanic drumming" on YouTube, put an eye cover on my face, laid down, and got to business.

    Within 5 minutes, I had raised my vibration, let go of an annoying issue that was bothering me, brought more CHI and PRANA into my body, and I was ready to take on the day.

    If you don't know how to do breathwork, there are so many super helpful guides out there.

    4. Listening to 528 Hz Music 

    The most elemental state of vibration is that of sound. Everything has an optimum range of vibration (frequency), and that rate is called resonance. When we are in resonance, we are in balanced. Every organ and every cell in our precious body absorbs and emits sound with particular optimum resonate frequency. 432hz and 528hz tuned music creates resonance in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.

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  • How To Cleanse Your Crystals

    How To Cleanse Your Crystals - Amethyst Goddess
    It is of utmost importance to clean any new crystals that come your way to clear them of any energy that they may have picked up from their previous journey It’s crucial that the first step you take is cleansing your crystals. Here are 5 easy steps to cleanse and recharge your crystals.
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  • 3 Simple Ways to Create a Meditation Room Right In Your Home

    3 Simple Ways to Create a Meditation Room Right In Your Home - Amethyst Goddess

    It can take a lot of time and practice to learn how to tune out the external and mental noise, and tune into oneself. So it can be really helpful, especially when you’re just getting into (or back into) a meditation practice, to create a meditation room right at home.

    When you practice meditation around the same time, in the same space, each day, it helps your body and mind start to fall in line with the routine, and come to expect and rely on those moments of stillness and breath- even if you only start with 5 minutes!

    Here’s a quick meditation room checklist to give you the basics of what you need to create a meditation room that’s super cozy, and makes it easy to get out of your head, into a more relaxed state.

    Quick Meditation Room Checklist:

    Light Your Way

    Lighting is so important in creating a mood conducive to meditation. You’ll want to avoid fluorescent and blue-toned lighting that stimulates the mind and can create additional stress.

    To create a meditation room, choose a space that has natural lighting, if possible, for all its benefits to help you feel more productive, happier and healthier. And bring in a Himalayan Salt Lamp, with its warm, pink glow to help relax your eyes and mind. It also emits negative ions into the environment, which research has shown can significantly improve mood.

    Smell Divine

    Simply smelling essential oil has the power to shift your mood and lift your spirit- that’s why it’s called aromatherapy. When used with an oil diffuser, you can easily spread those therapeutic scents around the entire room!

    Try lavender to calm your senses, rosemary to clarify your mind, lemon to lift your mood, or any combo of essential oils that calls to you. All you have to do is add water to your essential oil diffuser and let the room fill up with a calm, cool infusion. Then, during your meditation, you can focus on the delicious scent in the air each time you breathe in, and use that as a guide to help pull your attention back to your breath whenever your mind starts to wander.

    Bring Nature In

    Out in nature is an ideal place to meditate, but not always possible or easily accessible. So, you’ll definitely want to bring in some natural elements to create a meditation room that’s full of nurturing, peaceful vibes. One of the most beautiful and easiest Earth elements to bring in, with no maintenance required, are crystals!

    Selenite is especially potent for clearing and purifying the energy of your body and space. Amethyst is a favorite to bring in calm relaxation and open the mind to receive information from your higher self. And Black Tourmaline is very helpful to have handy as a grounding stone, to absorb and release negative energies.

    So, there are 3 simple ways you can create a meditation room right in your own home- even if you only have a little corner of a room to spare. It doesn’t matter how much space you have, just the energy that is present in it.

    All that’s left is to find a comfy place to sit, breathe, and enjoy being in the peaceful space you’ve created. Happy meditating!

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